Release: AyuDAbuya (single)

Half a year before, I was invited by Thy Audio Visual Lab for the “bewitching noise” project of six Chinese female musicians. This was a new recording which my improvising voice was the main material, accompanied with noise and synthesizer. It played in the Lab’s audio-visual room on November 13. “AyuDAbuya” without any meaning, it came from my daughter casually said ayudabuya (folio) after hearing this recording. It release now in Bandcamp and NetEase Cloud Music

年中应Thy画廊“bewitching noise”六位中国女性音乐人作品演播项目邀约,特录制了一首新作。这是一首有人声为主要材料、噪音和合成器的一个即兴录音,昨天已在画廊的视听室演播。标题没有含义,是女儿在听到录音后随口说 AyuDAbuya (拟音)是它的歌名。今日在在Bandcamp网易云音乐发布