Interview by Josh Feola, published in The Wire

I knew Josh when I attended a Project Found Sound China in 2018, after my Sound Theatre work Her/e published online, and also live streamed by IKLECTIK Art Space, Josh was invited by the Wire to wrote a short story about me.

The location of this photo took is a abandoned warehouse by photographer Cherry Au in Changzhou Island (长洲岛), Guangzhou.

Head to the Wire to subscribe the magazine to get more detail about this article.

The Wire issue 448


B: 空白聲 | Y: 姚春旸

B: 关于Shining Cracks这个专辑命名,为什么会想到这样一个词呢?它与专辑的内容有一些如何的关联呢?

Y: 这个名字是其中一个作品的标题,描述一条在土地色之间裂开的一条金黄色缝隙。在创作这张专辑的时候我在找寻多种金属质感的音色的可能,所以Shining Cracks体现整张专辑的色调再适合不过。

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