Upcoming Show: Sound Theatre “Her/e”
2020 start challenge
cn Sound & Visual Festival 2019
Oct. 12th at cn Sound & Visual Art Festival Jingdezhen 2019, music by me, visual by MPOE!. The festival organized by 11-ART, participated with another 6 groups of artist.
The Sound Concert Bridge
Bright Light of 2019
A Trip To Nowhere, New EP Release
The basic materials of this EP are recordings from a live show at Basement 6, Shanghai, which took place in 2016. I re-created these four excerpts by using field recording resources, which I collected around 2014-2016, the new sounds outline a net of time. During the process, this time net is folding and overlaying, creating countless new sparkling, colorful and mysterious dots. This process of “live rework” was an unknown trip, which became a surprising adventure for me. I hope these four pieces of “live rework” could freeze a time for me, for you. it can be a trip, a trip that you don’t bother to think where it takes place or to where it leads.
[第八届发生艺术节]开幕之际,广州迎来了即兴打击乐大师豊住芳三郎,这是豊住先生第一次到广州。这场由豊住先生的打击乐与我的电子音乐组成的,为发生艺术节开幕的演出在广州台风吹啸之前,于十月十九日晚在琶醍静静拉开了帷幕。 Continue reading “无形随想”
六月专辑 Shining Cracks 相继发行了数字和实体版,为庆祝它的诞生我决定带它去五个城市。和谁相遇呢?我盘腿坐下或者如在工作台般的桌子上将SC准备好,你来了……全文