Music Post-Oblivion Contributed in Cecilia Vicuña: Brain Forest Quipu

My new work Post-Oblivion participated in a installation art exhibition by Chilean artist Cecilia Vicuña in TATE Modern, London. The sound component of the exhibition curated by musician Ricardo Gallo.

Brain Forest Quipu is a contemporary art installation created by the Chilean artist Cecilia Vicuña. The work was first presented at the Contemporary Arts Center in New Orleans and has since been featured in several international exhibitions.

The installation is comprised of various elements, including sculptures, wall hangings, and sound recordings. These works are inspired by the ancient Inca quipus, which were a system of knotted strings used to record information. Vicuña’s work plays with the idea of memory and how it is recorded and transmitted across cultures and time periods.

The audio component of Brain Forest Quipu was curated by Colombian musician Ricardo Gallo. It features contributions from 23 musicians from around the world who were invited to create works that were played continuously for eight hours over four sets of stereo tracks.

Overall, Brain Forest Quipu is a thought-provoking and multi-layered installation that combines traditional techniques with contemporary artistic concepts. It invites viewers to contemplate the intersection of history, memory, and culture in our rapidly changing world.

作品《民默集》Post-Oblivion参与了智利艺术家Cecilia Vicuña的装置艺术展,这个展览的声音由音乐家Ricardo Gallo策划,邀请了来自全世界各地的23位音乐家贡献出他们的作品在4组立体声音轨中持续播放8个小时。

Cecilia Vicuña是智利的一位跨媒体艺术家和诗人,作品关注于语言、地理、历史和生态。她通过文字、织物、绘画、录像和装置等多种媒介表达自己对于原住民文化、环境问题和政治权利的关注。

Vicuña的Brain Forest Quipu作品是一件非常著名的装置艺术作品,它由一系列的绳索组成,每个绳索上缠绕着不同颜色的丝线和羽毛等材料,形成了一个巨大的、类似于脑结构的结构体。这个作品寓意着人类与大海和自然的关系,同时又传达了对于南美印第安人的遗产和文化的呼吁。