Empty Valley | Field Recording Workshop and Performance

Empty Valley | Sound collection workshop and performance is Mute Sound Art Festival 哑声音艺术节 in 2023, initiated and curated by musician DAO. Three days of field recording in Yangshuo and an immersive music listening and sharing session in a cave near Yangshuo town on the last day.

空谷 | 声音采集工作坊与现场,是由音乐人DAO发起和策划的哑声音艺术节在2023的第一场演出。为期三天在阳朔山间的田野采集并在最后一天在阳朔的一个山洞中进行了一个全黑沉浸式的音乐聆听分享会。

On the first day of field recording , I collected the sounds of insects and birds chirping on the hills because the road in the mountains is very close, the recorder also picked up the sounds of cars and airplanes flying over.


On the third day of the performance, we moved the equipment into the cave. The sound in the cave was not as wet as expected, and the quietness made the high-frequency sounds particularly crisp. Every drop of water dripping from the stalactites is particularly clear. The first musician played the shakuhachi, which formed a duet with the sound of dripping water. The following performances were all electronic music. There was no light except for music equipment and laptops. The audience sat down on the floor and some lay down, we spent three hours immersed in the sounds.


My performance is an improvisation performance of voice and electronic music. During the rehearsal, I found that the chopped loop of voice was particularly similar to the insect sounds collected on the hill. This also coincided with the sound workshop. In the cave, there was a very primitive atmosphere pushing me, so at the end of the part, I naturally burst out with a kind of distant call. This sound was wild but intense. Some listeners asked me if it was a kind of ritual singing. 


There was not much conversation between people, the three-day journey was very quiet compare with my dailyl life, but it was extremely fulfilling.


Release: Post-Oblivion 泯默集

I am very happy to announce my New EP just released in Dusty Ballz

Listen: Post-Oblivion

September 2019, during a residency exchange programme curated by the Lijiang Studio, Chunyang Yao set foot in Shiraoi, a town in Hokkaido historically populated by Japan’s indigenous people, the Ainu. A peculiar sense of inversion struck her. Being a Naxi artist emerging from the southwestern city of Lijiang, Yao had become accustomed to performing under a certain exotic gaze in China. Yet, dipping into the arcane, almost bygone lifeworld of the Ainu, for the first time she found herself to be the curious spectator upon another ethnic group, in whom she saw, with profound ambivalence, the shadow of her own people. This moment of entanglement reverberates on, slowly translating into a delicate resonance between two ethnic minority traditions, both struggling for the right to remembrance on the margins of modernity. If memory is audible, does forgetting make a sound? This question drove the making of Post-Oblivion. 

Unlike what the title suggests, listening to Post-Oblivion demands emotion. Side A of the cassette contains a composition in five movements, which is based on field recordings collected during Yao’s stay in Hokkaido; Side B presents a long-form improvisation of voice, noise samples, and synthesisers, the track gets its title “AyuDabuya” from the babbling of Yao’s daughter after she heard the recording. Respectively, the two sides showcase Yao’s unique artistic sensibility as a composer and as a vocal/electronics improviser. Together they also present an intricate landscape of sound, cut across by her multiple, overlapping identities: as a contemporary artist, a mother, a Naxi descendent, and a traveller in a foreign land. 

The Ainu and the Naxi share a pantheistic vision of nature, through which religion and culture are embedded in their environmental surroundings. In the Naxi Dongba script, to say “without a sound” takes four glyphs: a lead stone, a pair of horns, a waning moon, and quark. Likewise, instead of recording directly with the Ainu community, Yao gathered musical cues from Hokkaido’s natural soundscape — onshore breezes, a raging geyser, cries of the seagulls, and crows hovering above the seaside town of Tomakomai. She stitched them with a fragmented chant of the ancient Naxi proverb: “All food and clothing arise from the soil”, which weaves in and out just like her own wandering presence on the island. Post-Oblivion, as such, sings about loss but also perpetuity. Through nature’s own rhythm and harmony, it channels a roaring silence confronting colonial pasts and the politics of cultural memories. 


作为从云南丽江走出的纳西族艺术家,民族性一直是姚春旸的创作母题,也不免将她推向被凝视者的相位;而踏进阿伊努人聚居的白老町,她意识到自己成了那个观看的人。在这意外的对倒中,边缘族裔的情感回响逐渐清晰。作为北海道的原住民,阿伊努人相信万物有灵,而纳西东巴教亦奉自然为神祇;近代以降,阿伊努族世代传承的文化记忆在长期的殖民同化制度下渐归湮没,更让她心有戚戚 。 “一切吃穿皆从土地里来”,她将这句纳西古谚裁切揉碎,洒在北海道的自然音景中。时空的褶皱在人声吟哦中渐次荡开,有怒涛惊啸、鸥鸟凄鸣,有乌鸦在海街上空盘旋。岛屿的咏叹亘古不变,冷漠而深情。 

在象形表意的东巴文中,“泯默” 呈现为四个字符的组合序列:铅块、兽角、缺月与奶渣;而这卷歌哭绵延的声音地图里,泯默是在自然的热望与包容之间奏出一个文明的休止符,是一念物哀中的寂美永恒。大地心脉搏动,遗忘坼裂无声。 


Dusty Ballz is a London-based label that releases Chinese underground music on cassette tapes. The term originates in an old Soviet joke, which somehow still speaks to the situation today. 

在历史悠久的长沙方言中,“蛋蛋沾灰”一词形容儿童玩伴之间亲密与共的珍贵情谊。Dusty Ballz致力于通过磁带介质呈现中国地下之声,在欣欣向荣的新常态下描画人类命运共同体的美好愿景。  

released February 19, 2023 

Created in 2020 (Side A) and 2021 (Side B) in Guangzhou, China 
Field recordings captured in September 2019 at Noboribetsu (A2) and Tomakomai (A3, A4) in Hokkaido, Japan 

Vocal, Field-recordings, and Production by Chunyang Yao 
混音、母带:Annalisa Vetrugno 
Mixed and Mastered by Annalisa Vetrugno 
Woodcut by Tiemei 
Translation (Dongba Script) by Wang Shiying 
Thanks to Lijiang Studio, Jay Brown, Yasuhiro Morinaga

Review: Chinese female musicians in New music Scene

A review wrote by Fanfu Wu (吴凡夫)lately published in VersOne Distro.

This review covers three time periods, introducing and commenting on the works of representative female musicians in the three eras. Excerpt from Wu’s comment on AyuDAbuya

Listen AyuDAbuya

“Yao Chunyang, an experimental musician/sound improviser from the Naxi minority in Yunnan. It is an extremely rare combination of Naxi characteristics with electronic atmosphere, noise, sound art, and concrete electronic music. Yao Chunyang is not well-known to many domestic avant-garde music fans because of her ‘living in a safe and inner corner’ . The highly influential and legendary British avant-garde music magazine Wire had a report on her.

Although Yao Chunyang was with music academic background (Shanghai Conservatory of Music), in her music works, there is actually an ‘anti-academic’ aesthetic. At the same time, what is rare is that her music reveals awe of nature and wild yearning. Yao Chunyang’s pioneering temperament has a kind of wild fairy spirit.

This AyuDAbuya is actually her latest single album, only one but very long. In it, her unique Naxi voice is improvised, which is both natural and crackling with electric noise. In Yao Chunyang’s music, sometimes electricity and noise are part of nature. Although they are artificially produced, they flow freely without any affectation. After a long song, I can’t help but rush to the deep God Realm of the colorful cloud city – Yunnan.




阅读全文 芭蕉异音 | 那些剑走偏锋的中国女性先锋音乐

Music Post-Oblivion Contributed in Cecilia Vicuña: Brain Forest Quipu

My new work Post-Oblivion participated in a installation art exhibition by Chilean artist Cecilia Vicuña in TATE Modern, London. The sound component of the exhibition curated by musician Ricardo Gallo.

Brain Forest Quipu is a contemporary art installation created by the Chilean artist Cecilia Vicuña. The work was first presented at the Contemporary Arts Center in New Orleans and has since been featured in several international exhibitions.

The installation is comprised of various elements, including sculptures, wall hangings, and sound recordings. These works are inspired by the ancient Inca quipus, which were a system of knotted strings used to record information. Vicuña’s work plays with the idea of memory and how it is recorded and transmitted across cultures and time periods.

The audio component of Brain Forest Quipu was curated by Colombian musician Ricardo Gallo. It features contributions from 23 musicians from around the world who were invited to create works that were played continuously for eight hours over four sets of stereo tracks.

Overall, Brain Forest Quipu is a thought-provoking and multi-layered installation that combines traditional techniques with contemporary artistic concepts. It invites viewers to contemplate the intersection of history, memory, and culture in our rapidly changing world.

作品《民默集》Post-Oblivion参与了智利艺术家Cecilia Vicuña的装置艺术展,这个展览的声音由音乐家Ricardo Gallo策划,邀请了来自全世界各地的23位音乐家贡献出他们的作品在4组立体声音轨中持续播放8个小时。

Cecilia Vicuña是智利的一位跨媒体艺术家和诗人,作品关注于语言、地理、历史和生态。她通过文字、织物、绘画、录像和装置等多种媒介表达自己对于原住民文化、环境问题和政治权利的关注。

Vicuña的Brain Forest Quipu作品是一件非常著名的装置艺术作品,它由一系列的绳索组成,每个绳索上缠绕着不同颜色的丝线和羽毛等材料,形成了一个巨大的、类似于脑结构的结构体。这个作品寓意着人类与大海和自然的关系,同时又传达了对于南美印第安人的遗产和文化的呼吁。

Video: Invisible Wounds

Head to The Wire website to view an exclusive new video work by me, featuring a movement performance and footage of Boashan Stone Village near my southwest China hometown of Lijiang. 

Plus, Read Josh Feola’s interview with me inside the current issue of The Wire.

The music of this work will release on my bandcamp at Friday, stay tuned!

2018年美国教育部赞助的Found Sound China项目支持,我和摄影师阿云,老狗在宝山石头城进行采风。当时我们采集了大量的航拍素材,惊叹于村落与大自然之间的博弈。心心念着这些素材不断构思、尝试、否定到最后定稿,历时4年,终于于4月完成了这个音乐视频作品,并在The Wire Magazine发布。




A Story about How did I prepare My Naxi Dress 我的纳西服装的准备

A Story about How did I prepare My Naxi Dress













昨天一位可爱听众问我做出这样的声音是不是来自耳朵里的幻听,我当时觉得并没有。之后回到家非常安静,只有空调作响,我想如果要做一个作品描述此刻内心的满足和喜悦,制作出和空调发出的声音类似的音色一定是这个作品的动机之一。这不是幻听,是把能感知到的氛围声放大。回头想想比如Shining Cracks里的Sound Above Cloud,当时在99楼的高度,即使是在室内采样,但耳朵里就是能听到天空中有飞机飞过、地面的嘈杂涌上来的嗡嗡声音,当时我录下了两位舞者肢体移动的声响,在创作的时候用合成器做了一组非常迟缓延绵的长线条音色就是描述在99楼耳边回响的“天空”声。那些触发灵感的时刻往往是耳朵状态放松的时候,注意力一跟上就可以听到所处环境里的很多响动。描述氛围的声音于我就像按下照相机的快门,定格、真切。但当把所听到的声音转化为作品时就成了很自我的声音,我不知道这样于他人是否理解为“作者的幻听”。





当不得不把大部分时间关注在自己身体上的时候,“等待”让我体会到存在的“自然”状态。似乎我们的身体、生命中一切的存在和办事方式,如果能顺应自然的气息一切就有它的方向和生长方式。A Trip To Nowhere也在找寻一种自然的状态,不太刻意地表达,静候在自然行进中得到启发。这三年大片的“输出”空白,回过头来看却收获很大,毕竟有两个生命的诞生。孕育成了场修行,不是经历大风大浪的那种,而在一种接近静止、有些被动、有时无奈甚至压抑的“等待”中体会成长。
